Urban Agriculture in Boston and its Economic Viability

How urban agriculture practices can be supported to minimize startup expenses and ensure long-term sustainability.

Global Youth Survey

The survey focuses on programs which are successfully addressing issues youth face in their work in global development, particularly organizational growth and sustainability.

View Current Resume and CV

Past work experiences, education and skills as of January 2017.

An Economic Analysis of Bicycling in Boston, MA

Biking, Driving, Taking the T and Double Parking in Bike and Travel Lanes

Case Study of the Senkaku-Diaoyu Dispute

Examining the role of international organizations in escalating and supporting resolution over the disputed territory.

The following pages are a collection of my works, mainly as a tool to keep me organized. If you are so inclined to look, I greatly appreciate your feedback!


It's good to write things down, I wish I could do it more. I also have a calendar which tells me where I need to go and what to do in life.

Policy Research

Collection of policy research initiatives covering a range of issues.

If I Were President

A platform for the proposal and development of ideas.

Book Reviews

I try to write a short review of most of the books I read, and would appreciate your feedback and suggestions for reading!
About Me: Civil Engineer by Education / Educator by Practice / Problem Solver by Trade